
Eter Art Design is an open structure platform: every new client and every new space present a new creative situation. Working with top designers, artists, architects, craftsmen, builders, we make a team that creates and realises the project, taking all of its particularities into consideration.
We start with an idea and search inspiration from the adaptation to the space and context of the interior, within wider architectonic and cultural whole; the client’s needs are reflected in the space in order to create a harmonic whole.
We utilise creative methodology approach that leads to the realisation of personalised projects, following our philosophy – architecture that is built from within.
We strive to integrate artwork into the interior. We help in finding and selecting artwork; by working with visual artists we produce unique art perfectly adapted to the space, we offer solutions on how to exhibit existing art and how to match a new piece of art with the already existing works.

The characteristic of all of our projects is high level of quality, attention to detail and selection of optimal materials, functionality, without neglecting the visual and tactile aspect.
Special attention is given to colours, which have a huge effect on our emotions. When working with business subjects, the palette is adjusted to the brand standard, while in private spaces, we develop an individualised palette, respecting our client’s personal preferences.
An important element in building interior is light: we try to follow the flow of natural light and to develop a lightning plan offering multifunctional option to accommodate all of the needs of the space, at that the emphasis is put on creating atmosphere and scenic quality of the interior.
Our focus is the creation of a healthy environment; when designing the interior, our focus is put on the thing between tangible objects, between elements of the interior, the thing that so often remains elusive, unnoticed yet it makes the space feel full, complete…

Iva Pavičić

For the past twenty years, after I received education in the fields of art history, classical music, dance and interior design, my professional development to creativity and creative expression has taken me along two parallel paths. As an author or a member of a team of authors, I have worked on numerous interior design projects: from private apartments and houses, vacation homes and business offices, to shops and restaurants. Equipped with top quality European style products and enriched with custom made furniture developed in collaboration with Croatian craftsmen, these spaces are distinguished by their innovative, functional and personalised solutions.

I constantly work on exploring and developing my creative visions through artistic leadership and long-term engagement in a modern dance association. As an author, performer and executive producer collaborating with performing and visual artists as well as scientists, I produce dance shows and site-specific performances, films and moving exhibitions, video projections shown on facades, often integrating scientific experiments into the very fabric of art. All of these experiences have worked towards creating my distinctive approach to design, which serves as the basis for the development of further ideas within Eter Art Design platform, the place of creation and dedicated endeavour.